Polyglot Persistence Case Study - Big Data Architecture

Big Data Aug 23, 2013

I was invited to speak to a big data innovation conference in Mumbai this week. I chose to present a case study to illustrate how we use Polyglot Persistence – or in plain English – using more than one database in a single application.

With the increase in the complexity and volume of data being handled by many applications today, it is imperative to consider databases other than the traditional relational databases that were not designed to handle the volume or variety of data that we need. There are a plethora of NoSql databases available, and hence the choice of which database to use for an application becomes quite complex. In this presentation, I introduce the factors that determine the choice of database and how to ensure that this decision does not compromise the long term viability and scalability of the application.

Need Help choosing the right NoSql Database


Ashutosh Bijoor

Adventurer, mathematician, software architect, cyclist, musician, aspiring wood worker