Mumbai's pulse races, but hidden lanes reveal its true heart. Amidst the rush, old villages whisper stories. Each pace shows a different world. Slow down to feel life's fullness

Mumbai's Hidden Heart

mumbai Sep 13, 2024

Mumbai rushes in a frenzied race,
Horns and hustle, at a busy pace.
Yet tucked away from the bright lights,
Old fishing villages resist time's flight.
We call them "slums", we stay away,
But its here that the city's heart stays.

In narrow lanes, where life runs deep,
Stories unfold, they're treasures to keep, 
A yawning dog, the street his bed,
The old woman's wrinkles, framed in red,
A cat curls up in silent bliss,
Beneath a cart of freshly caught fish.

We walk, we drive, we rush, we soar,
Each pace so different, a world to explore.
Speed and size, our modern creed,
We chase what's far beyond our need.
Yet even this poem must sprint along,
For readers tire of verses too long.
So pause, if only for a beat;
Slow down, and life might feel complete.


Ashutosh Bijoor

Adventurer, mathematician, software architect, cyclist, musician, aspiring wood worker