World of Mathematics - interactive ebook - a piece of art!

mathematics Jun 4, 2014

The World of Mathematics is an interactive eBook available online and on mobile devices. Created by Philipp Legner, it is nothing short of a piece of art! A must-see for anyone interested in Mathematics – and more so for those who hate Mathematics. The eBook contains 30 of the most exciting, interesting or useful areas of mathematics arranged into five chapters. Go take a look!

Using some of the most advanced web technologies and educational principles, we want to make advanced mathematical ideas as accessible and exciting as possible. The articles don’t usually require any prerequisite knowledge, especially since the topics are usually unrelated to the school mathematics curriculum. We have chosen 30 of the most exciting, interesting or useful areas of mathematics and ordered them in five chapters. However it is possible to read each of the articles on their own.

In this eBook, mathematical ideas come to life using animations, slideshows, games or computations. Many of the numbers in the text are actually variables – users can change them and the remaining text updates accordingly. A glossary explains important mathematical words and countless images and videos make mathematics more colourful than ever before.

Here are some screenshots to entice you into exploring the exciting World of Mathematics!

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The project has deservedly won some awards too! A Gold at the 2013 Lovie Awards and the “Most visited website award” at FWA Public Shortlist.


Ashutosh Bijoor

Adventurer, mathematician, software architect, cyclist, musician, aspiring wood worker